The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday Aug 24-Vermont

Hi all

No pictures today as it was a driving day and there wasn't much to take pictures of as I was really trying to hold the good old Equinox on the winding roads of New Hampshire then Vermont.
The roads in this state seem to be so much narrower than the others I've been in and it's even more challenging to drive around. Or I'm tired of driving, who knows. Today I knew my destination  but I didn't really know how to get there. Maps were a great help but didn't help in finding a lunch spot so the good old Koolatron had lunch packed in it and I snacked at a lookout spot that wasn't much to look out at. Anyway I made it to my destination, Montpelier.

The address I had for the Comfort Inn was "exit 7 I 89" Hmmm I guess I'll just go to that exit, even though I had to go to an Interstate and I had vowed that I wouldn't be doing that. Alas. Found it!

The hotel is one of those suites ones and I have a 1 bedroom apartment! Little kitchenette (no stove but a microwave so I can cook my own dinner!) and get this.... fresh cookies and milk available at 3 pm on! Oh yeah baby! AND there are phones in the lobby that I can phone Canada for free! Yahoo! A call to The Man might be in order. 
This place doesn't have that many amenities (like a pool, that I haven't been using anyway) but the advertised Vermont maple syrup with waffles in the morning is enticing.

I seemed to be tired of driving today or maybe it was the stress of finding this place in the maze of Montpelier and Barre and what ever other towns have been annexed in to the area or maybe it was the speed that everyone was travelling and it was much more hectic. Don't know but I'm here in a lovely suite and the grocery store trip was fun and now it's time to plan tomorrow.

I am heading to Burlington which is about 50 miles away but on the way are two tours I want to do. Ben and Jerry's Ice cream and Green Mountain roastery. Both about 20 miles from here. That will take up most of the day I think.

The Green mountains are such because they have trees on them and the White mountains, for most of the year have snow on them. Ha. That makes sense. This is a college town too and there are lots of students here already. I made a swing of the main drag in Montpelier and it was jammed with all sorts of folks. Shopped out I kept on my way today and after settling in to the hotel did some tidying up of some papers, maps and try and make headway through the things in the truck. I'm glad I have a big vehicle!

So, that's it for this post.
I'm noticing that I'm lacking in Canadian news, there isn't any down here.
I'm lacking in vegetables, that's why I bought salad stuff for dinner (I even have plates and cutlery supplied! Yeeee)

This place is a great place and I'm loving my "home" for the night!

Cheers all.

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