The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Missing European Weather

It's only been a few weeks (3 1/2 to be exact) since I came home from Europe and I can really understand why Canadians/Ontarians have been complaining about the weather.
It's raining again here in Toronto as I write this post.

The Mother's basement is continuously flooded, she has 3 quotes to get it fixed. She's not a happy camper.

The Man's basement has intermittent damp issues. He's awaiting the person to come and fix it. He's finding this challenging.

The local hardware store is out of sump pumps and the vacuum store across from the apartment is advertising shop vacs which are good for sucking up water
Ho hum.

The grass is green though!
My new car hasn't required a wash yet.
I figured out how to use the rear wiper on the car while driving home in the dark from the cottage on Monday night AND we had a nice campfire to roast huge marshmellows on the long weekend (okay the heavens opened up when we were done).
These are good things.

As the driving plans are coming together now for the eastern trip I have had fun figuring out how long it will take me on any given day to drive to where I want to go. Though the rain falls outside (I have a packing plan for all my rain gear) I have my maps spread across the table and I am calculating driving distances and locations. I am hopeful the weather will improve before I start out but I'm going regardless and not having a specific journey detailed means I can change it if I want/need.

We have such a great country and I'm soooo looking forward to investigating it.

As people have told me I may find the year going quickly but that's okay, what I have packed into it I may need to rest a bit.

Hmmm I think I'll try being a snow bird. That sounds restful. I think I've got something picked out for that adventure too.

wow, I love it when a plan comes together!!!

Bring on the sun (hopefully, soon, right???)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super Equinox and 36 days to work

After a final drive in my Pontiac G5 from Toronto to Owen Sound on Friday I arrived at the Chevy dealership to see my new Equinox sitting proudly out front all shiney and new.

Papers to sign, a cheque to write and a whole lot of learning later (poor S spent 2 hours with me showing me everything this nifty vehicle does) I was driving into the sunset, literally, to Southampton to take the Man on his first trip in my Equinox.

You know, when you get a chance to do something in a big way it's really quite exciting. Never have I bought something like this, with all the bells and whistles. With toys on it I don't know if I'll ever figure them out totally but boy are they nice to have. Sure, I've bought new cars before but nothing like this puppy!

On Saturday we drove around and figured out the navigation system. The Man played a DVD in it while we were stopped at the cottage and I figured out how to plug in my iPod to play my song list. I moved the seats around, figured out the remote start and thoroughly enjoyed driving around in the sunshine with the sun roof open. I've never had a sun roof before. Pretty cool!

Is it too much vehicle? Maybe but for the second part of my pilgrimage it will be perfect. I know I will be so comfortable and safe in this vehicle. oh yes, it's my favourite colour in a car too. White. Nothing beats a nice, clean, white car. Very slick.

I have, as of tonight, 36 working days left before I leave. Can you believe it? I can't the time is just flying by and I hope it slows down while I'm gone. I have so much to do  before I leave again but I'm fairly organized and will get all the things done I need to. I'm still recovering from the European Pilgrimage so I don't want to put that totally behind me yet.

Hopefully this weekend I will get the cottage opened up and the plumber will come to get me hooked up again for the season, though a short one I am so looking forward to being on the front porch on a nice sunny day and enjoying my time there. It's where I really relax. This summer will be a little different this year!

A year ago I had no idea I would be in this frame of mind, with a new vehicle like the one I have, planning the coming months in the way I am. I am still so grateful to the family members that thought of me as much as they did to give me this opportunity.

The next adventure awaits!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recovery and onto the NEXT Adventure

I can't believe it's only a few days since I was in the beautiful warm weather of the Czech Republic (today it has been a whopping 8 degrees Celsius and raining all day) and enjoying the buildings, family, views, sights, sounds, taste (yum!) of a fantastic country that taught me so much. It's hard to believe that I'm home really.

The next part of my adventure is only 40 working days away (no, really, I'm not counting at all) and I know that time will pass quickly and I will be on my way to the East Coast. So much has to happen before that.

First of all I need to get my new vehicle. Welllllll. It's here! Well, not here, here but in Ontario and in a few days I will have it!
I was worried about it's delivery due to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan as so many components for electronics come from there. The Equinox is built in Ingersol Ontario but all parts don't come from there. EEEEKKK! I was worried!

On Sunday night I finally checked my cell phone messages and there was one from the dealership that my car was there and waiting for me! Wooo hooo!

So, phone calls to the dealership and calls to my insurance company, sorting out the parking situation here (they have to know what vehicle I'm driving) I will head up to Owen Sound after work on Friday and give them a little piece of paper with lots of numbers on it, my leased car and the keys to it for a nice, shiny new one. How cool is that!
The dealership has been so awesome (I guess they have to be, I'm giving them a whack load of cash) and I'll even get my phone programmed with Bluetooth and sort out the OnStar and XM Satellite radio. So many toys, so little time! Now I'll have lots of time to practice driving a much larger vehicle than I'm used to around and have some fun with all the gadgets.

After that begins the planning in a more concrete way for the leave of absence. I'd like to have some plan for my travels.

Nothing though, will top what I have just seen and experienced a few thousand miles away. I'm glad I worked on the blog because it's nice to read what I was thinking and feeling those days after I had seen something new. I hope that my memories will remain vivid of all that I saw and did. The Czech Republic truly is a beautiful country with such an interesting future ahead of it as it is newly democratic again and that will mean changes no matter what. My family brought me such joy and I so enjoyed connecting with all of them.
Dad's helmet and medals are prominently displayed in my living room and my Svejk marionette hangs from a hook from the ceiling so he can't be missed. My Czech Easter eggs are in a glass bowl on the coffee table and the rose The Man gave me when I got off the plane, is happily blooming in the crystal bud vase Milena gave me. I am surrounded by items of memories from my trip. In my head there are memories that will never go away. As I show the pictures to friends I remember all of my trip with such joy!

I found my history. I found where I came from. I found so much that I didn't know I was looking for. It was a revealing trip for so many reasons and I am still struggling to put into words what it meant for me. I have a feeling that will come in time.

This week, as I return to my routine of work and commuting, I am taking my time to think about the past couple of weeks.
It's been a wonderful journey. Really a journey of a lifetime.

Sunday, May 1, 2011 last

Two planes, three airports, nearly 5,000 miles and few hours of time change later I arrived home to have The Man waiting patiently with rose in hand and a nice big hug when I finally appeared from the arrivals section of Pearson Airport.

Tired but excited to show what my over stuffed suitcase held we headed to the Mother's to share stories and unpack souvenirs and gifts.

My fear of not having my luggage waiting for me was not to be fulfilled as it was one of the first on the carousel (advantage of being in business class) and I was relieved!
The flights were uneventful though the one from Prague to Frankfurt was a little bumpy as thunderstorms were approaching Frankfurt but we all travelled safely through it.

The Frankfurt airport is gigantic and there was a fair amount of walking and getting to my connecting flight was no problem and I even got to enjoy one of the business lounges for a while. Travelling business class means there are certain perks, I know I've paid for them with my ticket but it's nice to have access to anything you might need before flying away. Also the lounge seats are very comfy and the staff can answer any questions I might have. It's a great way to go! The Prague airport business lounge was nearly deserted when I was there but the crab salad sandwiches were awesome!

Security was no problem though I did get frisked at the Prague airport because I think I forgot to take the Czech coins out of my pocket. I'm not sure but I think that's what set off the metal detector. Oops! Oh well. Safely through I headed to the lounge to settle in. Vlasta had dropped me at the airport and she, along with a Lufthansa aide, helped me with my e-ticket. Again, business class has it's advantages as I "skipped" the long line by heading to the business class line (where there wasn't anyone!) and got my luggage checked. The suitcase was nearly 30 kilos. This is nearly 70 pounds! Yikes! No wonder it felt heavy! Thankfully the wheels held up. We had shrink wrapped the suitcase because I was worried it might burst! Off it went on the conveyor and I was just to wait until boarding.

After watching Megamind and The A-team movies, a lovely dinner (food's great in Business class) I settled down for a nap. It was 10 pm my time and I knew the next few hours would be tiring and I was tired after all the lead up for the ride home. Wrapped in my blanket, lights low, music on my headphones I drifted off for a couple of hours. Oh yeah, did I mention that in Business class the seats fold down to beds? Right ON!

So I finally hit the wall 23 hours after I had gotten up that "day" and fell asleep for a good long rest. I pushed through the fatigue earlier to go to bed at a "normal" Toronto time so I might be able to adjust more quickly. I have to go to work on Monday!

What a wonderful trip with wonderful memories and I will be thinking about these past few weeks for a while yet!

On to the next journey!