The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


From one life to another we go.
At least we hope so.
We look for signs, signals, hopeful moments that there is a return from the beyond.
Whatever or where ever the beyond is.

Yesterday, at this time The Man and I were saying our final good bye to a beloved 4 footed friend named Ubu.
She was a companion, watchdog, warming oven, sensitivity barometer, healer, thinker and most importantly unconditional lover of her family.
I had been adopted as "mom" to her just after I met her over 5 years ago.

The Man has had her with him through many life experiences and now, in this new experience with her not physically here, is finding the reality of the various stages of grief. It is not pretty or fun but it is an essential part of life.

Life leads to death. There is no turning back, going past "Go" getting your $200 buck and moving on around the board. This is the way it is. Harsh reality. But reality just the same.

The pooch had developed a number of ailments for which in humans there is no cure but in canines it can manifest itself similarly. Skin cancer then blood cancer, renal failure then renal shut down, muscle wasting secondary to the cancer and protein loss through urine due to the renal failure.
All not pretty, all not fun.
We have an ability to release suffering for our pet friends that is so peaceful and beautiful at the same time. Don't get me wrong it is a very hard decision to make but when it's made there is a sense of relief.
Though Ubu didn't "know" about the decision you could see the peacefulness in her face and body before it all happened.
The Man, not so much.
But time heals and it will.

We will remember all our pet friends, and you can name them in your head and heart now...

Mine? Gigi and Renee (the crazy poodle dogs that thought they were people), Petunia the Guinea Pig, Max the Bunny, BJ the blue budgie and now Ubu (the dog that KNEW she was people).
They have made the transition along what is called the rainbow bridge to be part of the herd, flock, pack or gang that watches over our every move and thought; though they are with us in body no more they are in spirit and signs. Look around. They are everywhere, you only need to focus on them in your heart.

So, as we work through this time of transition from full house to empty feeling in house and heart we will move on.

The sun rises and sets and there is another day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Future Dates for Regular Events....Unknown

It always amazes me how we get so caught up in getting appointments for something or other or making plans for a future event. We get ourselves so "booked up" in advance that it can be daunting to think about.

As I start to solidify my travel plans for my driving trip it is becoming apparent that I need to alert various organizations/people/appointment schedulers that I will be away. Or think I might be away. Or don't really know when I'll be back in the area for their scheduled event for me.

I volunteer a fair amount; for those that know me well know that it is something that has been very dear to my heart. Either with Girl Guides of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Duke of Edinburgh Society or most recently, Common Ground Co-operative I give my time, expertise and energy to help these organizations carry out their missions and visions.
(Advertisment time: check out all of these organizations by Googling them!)

As I receive updates of meeting schedules, planned events and requests for workshops I have had to let all these groups know that I'll be unavailable for them until at least August or September 2012. It's a very weird feeling.
I've never done that before. I've always "been there" and missing a meeting was a no-no in my life. These organizations have existed quite well long before I came along and they will continue to do so as I roam this earth for some true away time from the usual grind. I'll be back, that's for sure.

It's the same at work. There is accreditation coming up. That's where the hospital, as a whole, gets evaluated by persons of expertise in this area. We, of course, want to "pass". We always have but this event always brings a level of stress to the institution. This will be happening while I'm on leave. I don't need to worry about it in the future and any preparation will be performed by those that will be "in house" during the process in February 2012. I'll certainly help where I can but I'm off the hook when it comes to the final push to the accreditor's visit.

Things are changing in my look to the future with work. I have found myself not looking 6 months down the road because I won't be there. The lab, my colleagues and, I'm sure, process will still be in place when I return in mid 2012. I look at the next few months as a "cleaning house" operation for me. I will get all my tasks done before I leave and I will depart, temporarily, with a clean "in box" and satisfied feeling that I have done everything I can to make the place a better place.

Now if I could only clean my apartment as well as I clean my "in boxes" that would be awesome...

Ho hum!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Journey Woman on the Road....

Today someone asked me, at a meet and greet, at work to explain what my next year was to hold.
She knew of my impending travels and was excited for me to share so I did.
A room full of people were so thrilled and many said "oh I wish I could do that".
Well, I never thought I would do it either but you just never know.
Really you don't.
Some expressed surprise that I was going on this journey on my own.
Well, I'm really not. I have everyone that wants to go on a trip like this along with me. That's a pretty neat feeling.

I have found a website that is very helpful in the small detail planning of my trips.
Very neat.
It gives all the possible questions I have answers.
So many times over past few months I have been wondering "what should I do if..." or "how should I approach this..."
Many of my friends have travelled either as couples or for business. I'm doing something a little different and there are specific questions that I have.
This website gives me a fantastic way of researching all of those questions.
I highly recommend it to anyone going on a trip either alone or with someone the tips are great.

Planning and reading before hand makes the excitement grow for the travels.

This is great!
Can't wait!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two Months to Go

It's 2 months today that I will fly to Frankfurt Germany to start my Czech It Out Pilgrimage for real.
The time has just flown and it's so hard to believe that it's coming up this fast.
Every day I catch myself thinking of things to pack, other things I need to get for the trip and what I might need.

I'm still awaiting final confirmation of my train tickets from Frankfurt to Prague but that won't be for another few weeks when the Euro-rail sorts out it's schedule for April.

The to-do list is getting longer again of things that I need to look up but it's all starting to come together.

Spring is just around the corner (I hope) and so is my trip.

2 months to go.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Gifts into the Future

When thinking of visiting a new place and family I've had to think of what gifts to take to Prague.
What would they like?
What is Canadian?
What would they associate with Canada?

We have mountains.
They have higher ones.
We have lakes.
They have them too. Just a little smaller.
We have weird professional team logos.
So do they. Have you seen some of the professional hockey player in Europe and what they have to wear? Yikes.

So I'm taking some things with me that I think show others they have a Canadian cousin!
I'm not telling what the gifts are because they are probably reading this!
(Hi Kuchar and Krejcova families!)
So it will be a surprise but it will be distinctively Canadian and fun.
Might be tasty too!
I'm having fun planning it all.

My definition of a gift is a surprise.
Something that is nice, thoughtful and unexpected.
It's something that a lot of meaning is attached to.
If you know what the gift is ahead of time. It isn't really a gift. "It's an pleasant surprise". (The Man's favourite phrase)

We all have gifts. They are talents or a skill that someone else thinks is pretty neat.
That gift may not be a thing that can be boxed up.
It is just as special though.
But harder to give.

We receive gifts at various times of the year because society/religion tells us to give them.

But when we get one out of the blue it's really special. It has more meaning than ever.

The Man gave me a gift in December, at our Christmas (the day we set aside as our Christmas Day).
It was out of the blue.
It was soooo special and unexpected.

It is very, very neat.
It is incredibly thoughtful.
It is given in love and for the future.

It is a commitment.

(Oh yeah, and there was a little wooden box involved that held a precious item to be an outward sign that commitment).

What a gift!