The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 23 Roseway Beach and Boats

Today the skies cleared and there was a great breeze! It was a beach day! There have been only a few on this trip, partly because of the lack of beaches and partly because of the weather.
I was going to go swimming in the ocean! With no jelly fish or any other stinging things to worry about! Yay!

Packed up, sunscreen on and I was there. This time at low tide. Wow was it low!
Where I had been walking in water yesterday was only sand. I think tides are fascinating!
Perfect skies and perfect sand I set up my little spot, knowing full well I'd have to move at some point because I was way below the high water mark. I thought it would be fun to wait until it came up to the chair legs then move up. As long as I didn't fall asleep and miss it all!

The beach was deserted when I arrived. In an hour or so there were a few other people and I even met Lucky! Lucky is a shepherd lab cross that has been fostered by a lovely lady who decided Lucky needed to stay with her. Lucky was a feral dog who spent probably 2 years fending for himself and just needed to find the right person to take care of him. He is a lovely dog that is very devoted to his owner and thinks everyone on the beach is part of his pack as he comes there every day. We had a great time visiting and I enjoyed talking with his owner.

Seemed all the dogs that were at the beach were great and I had fun watching them play in the waves (some of them) and some get a little skittish if the waves came up too high.
The tide was advancing. In the picture below you can see the drag marks where I moved my chair up from the advancing water.
I was wondering what the water was really like so I headed in. Yeah, it was cold and did the trick cooling me off. The breeze was warm and the sand was blowing across the top of the beach. It was truly great sitting there.

I didn't even get a chance to do my puzzle or read my book I was having such a super time watching the waves. I know, I know, it's like watching paint dry a little bit but it was so special sitting there.

Salty from my two dips in the sea I decided nearly 5 hours at the beach was enough and it was time to head back. The tide was just about up to my second chair position anyway! The two kayakers in the waves were keeping me amused though. Oh well. I don't want to get too sun exposed.

When I tried to get into my cottage the lock came apart in the door! Oh dear! I was having problems with it since I arrived but it was working okay. Then today. Poof! Uh Oh!

I was in but the lock was gone from the front of the door. This is an interesting challenge.

A and D are sailors and I know that they were out in their boat because all of the yachts from the harbour were gone when I got home and I had seen them in the bay when I was driving back. I phoned their number and left a message about it. Oh well. I guess they will have it looked at before the next folks come in.

A little later in the evening A came by to invite me down to their sailboat to hang out and listen to music and enjoy a beverage with them and their friends. It was a very nice invitation and I took them up on it. Lovely harbour, lovely people and live music from another boat. It was so much fun meeting all the people and they were all so nice! Even though A and D's boat is within view of the cottage I was a little nervous leaving it unlocked once the light began to fade so I headed back to my little spot and sat out on the front porch and listened to the end of the music from there. It was so nice to spend time with the "locals" and learn all sorts of stuff from them. Really this is such a hospitable area.

So I guess it's on to the next place, I've so enjoyed this quiet time in this little hide away.

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