The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 19-Shelburne Nova Scotia

Today I left Halifax in fog and rain and looking forward to the next part of the adventure.
The South Shore of Nova Scotia is my next destination.
There aren't many pictures in this post because there wasn't much to take!

Again, seeking new things to see and do isn't hard when I've never been here before and there's so much to decide on.
As I've been travelling each day for the past several I'm looking forward to sitting for a bit and just hanging out. Off to Shelburne!

The little cottage I have rented is a "light housekeeping" type of cottage and since I'm not really sure what that means I decided to go prepared.
I stopped on the way to go shopping for some supplies as I didn't really know what Shelburne would have in it.
Well stocked with breakfast and lunch type stuff I headed off again. My body must have been craving fruit because I bought 4 different kinds.

The fog lifted about an hour into my trip and that made the sight seeing a little better.
A lot of Nova Scotia is or has been logged and you could see where the logging had happened. The attempts to make the forests come back is showing and the province is still very green.

Some small towns on the way were very small and I wondered how they came to be when there isn't any apparant industry around. They aren't on the water to offer any tourism things but still they seem to have people in them. I guess it's all in where you call home.

I arrived in Shelburne to find out the town was founded in 1753 by United Empire Loyalists! Many Union Jacks are flying in the town and that was interesting to see. As my ancestors are UEL is was weird to come into a town that was founded by them. The info plaques stated that at one time there were 10,000 people living here. Wow! Of course the area couldn't sustain them so most moved away. There is about 2,000 here now.

The cleaning lady was just arriving to work on my cottage and the owners were at work so she gave me the scoop and I headed out to have lunch, visit the tourist office and check the town out.  There is everything here that I'd need and my thought of having a seafood dinner that I cook will work out as there is a fresh seafood store in town. Yay!

The little cottage is like a bachelor apartment with open concept everything (except the bathroom) and a bbq!!
I am right in the middle of the most historical district of the town and the above is my view from the patio looking to the south, through the gap, way in the distance is the Atlantic. I'm on Shelburne Bay and the tides in this bay are 2 and half METERS! Wow! A couple of times I looked out and the boats in the yacht club practically disappeared! It was wild! I checked the paper from Halifax and it said that the low tide was at 1750 hours. I think that was the time I was looking outside at the boats. Yikes!

As I type I am looking to the south and through the mist I can just make out the lighthouse at the pier way off in the distance and the lights ares starting to come on around the harbour.
The wind has died off and it's nice a cool from a humid 24 degrees today. This little place has everything that I'll need for the next 5 days or so. Kitchen ware, hot plate (no oven), microwave, coffee maker and even coffee filters! Yay!

Tomorrow I'm going to walk around the town and there is a trail that takes me from this side of the bay to the other and a park that gives me a view of this side. I think I'll get the bike out and tour around. The cleaning lady (I hate when I forget to get someone's name) said that Shelburne won't be too busy because really there isn't too much to do here. I said that it's just fine because I'm looking forward to having coffee on the front porch in the morning and having a few meals that I cook for myself. Weird that I feel that way but I am looking forward to it. My dream menu is some scallops and maybe some rice. I've found out that there is a farmers market on Thursdays and Saturdays here. Now I just have to find out where it is again.... I guess the town isn't that confusing. Oh yeah, I have a map too.

I did find my Nova Scotia map that had decided to go in the back seat for a ride. Grrrr.

So I'm here, with a lovely view of a very historical area and I can see water from each of my 4 windows! The breeze can blow through and that's just the most awesome thing.

Until later....
The traveller....
(current address, 10 George St. Shelburne Ontario B0T 1W0; at least until Sunday)

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