The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 22-Shelburne and Roseway Beach

My steak dinner finished (I cooked it myself on the provided BBQ here) and the temperature nice without a breeze on my front porch, I am settling down to my evening task of blogging my day. OH yum, someone has a campfire going somewhere and it smells great. Hmmm, trying to think of things to tell about my day which was not very exciting but it was very nice.

A, the co-owner here told me of a secluded beach about 15 minutes away in the hamlet of Roseway. If I wasn't doing anything it's a nice place to go and just hang out. Well, after sleeping in this morning (10 am!!) I decided since it wasn't raining at least the beach was in order. A, gave me directions like we do in Saugeen Shores; go over the one lane bridge and follow the road until you find the sign for Roseway, go over a hill and there will be a cemetery on your left, then take the next dirt road to your left and follow it to the end. It may be marked Roseway Beach road or it may not. If you get to Boulder Cove cottages you've gone too far.
Love directions like that. It, by the way, was perfect and I recognized all the land marks I needed!

A little parking area just kind of dug into the dunes, a garbage can and a sign explaining that Piping Plovers are nesting in the area was all that marked this beach. Camera in hand (yes, I take it everywhere, which will make The Man very happy), I set out to the beach. Over the dunes and Wow! A huge expanse, about a kilometer I'm told, of soft white sand with the waves crashing in. This is awesome! I could see all of 4 people here too. Okay it wasn't super amazing beach weather but so what!

As I walked the tide was coming in and the waves would just creep up the beach shore. It was neat to walk along and have the waves go a bit higher on the beach. Great sound too. The wind was blowing a little bit and the waves were just crashing on the shore. It was so relaxing.

The sand is very soft and all I kept thinking of while I was walking along is that it was probably giving me a nice pedicure to the bottom of my feet! Forget the emery boards they use, I'll just walk on sandy beaches in the ocean to work on me tootsies.

On one end of the beach was a creek or river, what ever you want to call it but it was flowing pretty well when I got to it. Then, as the tide started to come farther in the creek reversed! Get out! All the stuff that had been flowing down the river now started to go up! Forget the reversing falls I was standing right there and the creek went backwards. How cool is that?! I know the picture doesn't look like much but the river really did go backwards, trust me on that.

On the other shore of the river about 20 feet away I thought there were just piles of seaweed piled up but then I noticed them flapping. Huh?? A closer look showed dozens and dozens of Plovers.
The picture doesn't do it all justice as to how many are there because if I panned out you wouldn't actually see the birds, that how well camouflaged the are. The were peeping away and just either standing around or picking at bugs that were around the piles of seaweed. Smart birds for being so well hidden. I noticed as the tide rose and the piles of seaweed got wet by the waves the little birds scattered off into the dunes. How special was that moment to capture them in pictures.

The clouds were thinning so I figured I'd go and get my chair and just sit for a while. It was great! The waves cresting and crashing and the wind blowing and some other people were down with kids playing in the waves. Just awesome!

3 hours later I packed up and headed back to town. I had it in my mind to have a nice BBQ steak dinner on my front porch so I needed to get a steak. Off to the store.
As I turned the corner at the cemetery heading back into town I saw this lovely young deer feasting on the clover in the cemetery grounds. I had to stop and take a picture. It was really a lovely animal and didn't seem to mind me.
Home and settled again and face burning from the wind burn I got I drifted off in my chair on the porch for a good old afternoon nap. Nothing beats those really. Love my snooze time.

So there was a relatively uneventful day in lovely Nova Scotia.
Tomorrow might actually be sunny and I might have to go back to that beach again. Hmmm

As it's Friday night here there is a little more activity around and everyone seem to be enjoying themselves it's a nice little area.

Well, off to do my dishes!

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