The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday Aug 18- Bus ride day

Today I didn't really know what I was going to do! There were a few options on the table.

Rent a scooter to buzz around the area, but I needed to research that to figure out if I really want to do it.
Walk into town and hang out and check things out that I didn't before.
Go to the Oceanarium to see what that's all about.

Particularly didn't want to drive today as the traffic yesterday was challenging enough and it's only a mile into town and I can leave the Equinox behind to have a rest day.

The fog outside my window early in the morning was so thick I really couldn't see across the road so that makes the driving part a little hard when I really don't know where I'm going so walking sounded like a good idea! The weather report here includes a fog grading. If it's a 0 then there's nothing but fog out there. If it's1/4 then you can see a quarter mile, if it's a 10 then it's clear but patchy. I'm learning something new every day here.

I also learned, via the radio, that there are free buses that are supported by L.L. Bean to transport folks around FOR FREE! Oh, that must be the buses I saw at the Village Green yesterday. Aha! A new plan! I wonder where they go....

So after my great breakfast I alerted the office staff I was leaving my vehicle and they said it was wise and that the buses will take me where ever I want to go. There's even one going past the motel every 15 minutes in the evening and every 30 in the morning. Hmmm.

I opted for the walk and as I entered town I located the scooter rental place. Hmmm $500 deposit (refundable on return of the scooter), $90 for the day plus gas. More Hmmm
None available at 9:30 this morning and I'd have to wait until the half day rate. Which was just as well so I could think about it. I left my name for tomorrow instead.

Off to the harbour where I sat overlooking the foggy boats, most I couldn't see for the first little bit, doing some crossword puzzles and sudukos and enjoying the atmosphere.

Fog enshrouded, it was eerie to see the harbour so different than yesterday. Much less people too. No cruise ship in the bay.
There is a harbour walk that goes for a mile along the coastline from the town. I decided to take it and it was phenomenal! So pretty. Get a load of that balancing rock! Cool!

What a great walk that was...The homes shrouded in fog too but they were something to look at let me tell you.
Back into town for a look see again.
I stopped by the bus drop off area and asked a driver if their routes were round trips. Aha! they are!
Super. So I hopped on the "Sand Beach" route which would be about an hour long and take me through the Acadia National Park on the loop road which is a great way to see the park. It's a one way road that literally loops through the park. I was going to ride the scooter this way but after being on the bus I realized that this was way better. Someone else was doing the driving! We went into all the picturesque parts and it was sooo awesome! Really pictures were hard to take because I was so focussed on what I was seeing out the window and the fog made it a little difficult to get a good shot. But the drive was so amazing, up and down and around and whee! It was a ride!

I left my donation in the box (it's all free but they like donations to help out) and headed off to a sushi bar I had seen fleetingly yesterday. Found it! yum! I had a California roll with REAL crab meat in it, not the fakey stuff. Oh yeah....

I decided to take a longer bus trip this afternoon all the way down to Southwest harbour. Round trip 3 hours.
What a great way to see the lower part of the island (Bar Harbor is technically on Desert Island) and some of the sights without worrying about traffic and crazy drivers. Awesome ride.
If the weather holds tomorrow I will head to The Breakwall and play around on the shore.
I highly recommend this way of travelling in this area. Parking is nasty ($15.00 for a parking ticket, at least that was the charge on a ticket I snooped at) and chaotic. This is just what this area needed!

This bus took me back to my Days Inn Motel! Perfect!

So the weather totally held today and that was a surprise and I found things that I can investigate more tomorrow!
I still have the Oceanarium I want to visit and I need to have lobster again (I took a day off from it). Plenty of time. I have two full days here left and I think this is great timing to get what I want to done. Oh yeah, there's a very historical Anglican (sorry, Episcopal) church that I need to investigate too.
Maybe I'll take the bus back in to town tomorrow, or walk and do that.
I like staying in a town for a few days because you can figure out how things work here and what can be taken advantage of.

Day is done, feet up, a bowl of fruit beside me to watch pre season NFL football!  Tomorrow is another day of adventure!

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