The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 9-The Eastern section of PEI

This morning I awoke to the world shrouded in fog. The good old Southampton type fog. The kind you want to cut with a knife just to see what's on the other side. Hmmm what to do today?

Islanders have been complaining of the humidity. The what? Here? Naw, not like what I've been used to. Guess it must be REALLY bad in other places when the locals are complaining. The fog this morning certainly didn't help.

So, sight seeing out (for the moment) it was off to Charlottetown (or Ch'town as it's abbreviated here) to see what's up there. As I was heading there the fog lifted. Just kind of floated up into the sky and disappeared. The weather is so weird here and I think it's because it's an island and things can change quickly because there's no land for any weather pattern to get established.

Road trip change! Off to East Point.....

I have been to one end of the island and East Point is the other end. I have to get there. A goal. I love goals.

Driving along the Atlantic coast was quite dramatic compared to the other side and I happened upon a lovely harbour.

Naufrage Harbour isn't listed on any "look out" point on any map but there is a lighthouse! This picture is PEI to me. Maybe it's because I've seen too many jigsaw puzzles The Mother has done over the years but this is so picturesque. I loved it. After a few pictures and a little walk on the shore I continued on my journey.

East Point is the part of the world where two converging waters meet. It's really quite something to see. The warm waters of the Northumberland Strait meeting the cold waters of the Atlantic. The warmer water creating the weirdest looking waves when it meets the cold water. It's no wonder the marine life likes it there. In fact I saw a SEAL! Just one. All by itself playing in the colder side of the point. It was a grey seal I was told (I had to ask in the Lighthouse) and they are seen periodically but more in the cooler weather. If the fish are plentiful so will the seals be. Very, very cool.

East Point Lighthouse with Fog Horn Building to the right

The fog started to roll in again and it made it rather damp so I toured on the "other side" of the point down the Strait side to Charlottetown. There were many pull offs to take pictures but with the fog moving in and out and the sun being in the wrong spot they didn't turn out so well. Without the fog it was downright steamy so it was off to my PEI favourite ice cream place. COWS.

If you've never been to COWS it's the island's version of Ben and Jerry's or Hagen Das. There are also whimsical things to buy. I love COWS. It's cute and fun and the ice cream is awesome. I had cowberry. This is blueberry really but soooo good.  Ice cream and purchases in hand (yup, I got a t-shirt and towel) I played tourist and sat on the main street of Charlottetown and watched the world go by. I went over my mental check list of things still to do in PEI before I head out tomorrow. Better get going!

Back to Summerside to ride my little folding bike along the new 6.5 km boardwalk along the shore. Sun shining, breeze blowing on shore and waves crashing it was a fantastic ride on a very nice paved bike path beside the wooden boardwalk. My little Dahone carried me along quite nicely. With the wind (the first I've experienced on a salty shoreline) giving me a briney scent to pedal along to I thoroughly enjoyed my tour. Check that off the list.

Off to the pool at the hotel! oh yeah, another thing off the list.

A rest then off to the laundromat to get some clean clothes for the next part of the journey. I have a feeling that the super hot weather will be gone on the Cabot Trail and I'm not sure when I'll have the opportunity to do this  chore until maybe Halifax. Check that off the list too.

Subway, the sub sandwich place have an Atlantic Lobster sub. Well now, I guess I might as well complete my list of things to do by having one of those. Dinner!
By the way it was YUMMY! I wish we had them in Ontario....

As I finished off my check list there was a storm gathering. Again, not understanding how the weather works in this province I watched it with some interest. No, they've never had a tornado here, hurricanes yes, but no tornados. hmmmm don't want it to be a first time. I was safely back at the hotel when it all came in. Just a dramatic cloud and a complete change of wind direction and cooler air but the rest of the guests (many from Nova Scotia) were in awe of the whole thing.
I took pictures of course. I love my clouds.

Trivia time! Did you know there is a Southampton, PEI? yup but there's not a whole lot going on. The sign was the most remarkable part of the tour there.

One final picture.
I haven't had any problem with traffic in this province, I think everyone drives very responsibly and the locals are tolerant of us rubber necking tourists.
When there is some construction it appears out of no where with little warning. The road we were directed on to today (Saturday I remind you all) was quite a challenge with the recent rains and dampness making it very slick and made me glad I have all wheel drive.
I add, also, that TRANSPORT trucks were also on this road. Thankfully I was not behind one.

So it's good bye to PEI tomorrow as I take the ferry across to Nova Scotia and up to the Cabot Trail. It's been fun!

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