The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 15-Baddeck to Dartmouth Nova Scotia

Before I begin: yesterday's mileage was 237 km and todays was a good haul at 467 km.

So, this little place I fell into to stay in was just so quaint and perfect. I certainly took my time over breakfast which I ate on the patio of the restaurant. The sun was shining, the coffee lovely and the bacon and eggs just perfect. I didn't really want to leave and Michelle said I could stay as long as I wanted! Right I could have stayed ALL day but I knew I had a long drive ahead of me and I didn't really know where I was heading in Dartmouth.

Good luck's and handshakes done I packed up my truck and headed out. This part of the trip I had done before but in the opposite direction. Again, this was showing me again that I was heading west now. Ho hum...

The TransCanada highway can certainly get you where you need to go efficiently and it's not hard to make good time but the drive is relatively uneventful. So I decided once I got to Truro I would head on a parallel route that would take me through some smaller towns.
As it was a Friday afternoon on the beginning of a holiday weekend the traffic going away from Halifax seemed quite heavy. Hopefully this will work in my advantage.

The terrain changes again as I headed from the highlands and Cape Breton Island to the relatively flat of the Halifax coastline. Many rivers boast signs as to how high their tides are (up to 3 feet in some places) and that just shows how much power a tide has when it can come this far inland.

The outlying routees from Halifax are very similar to the Southampton area. Little roads that have many cottages on them surrounding in land lakes. One area just north of Dartmouth is Fall River and it reminds me of Haliburton. Trees right to the water then little cottages perched on the edges of the lakes. Neat!

I "arrived at my destination", as my navigation system told me (thankfully I had that as I got all spun around getting here). I checked in and reviewed the maps, weather and where the heck I was now!

As per usual I headed back out again to investigate a little bit more of Dartmouth and how would I get over to Halifax and what is what and where is where.
There are two ferry's that will take me right over to the historical part of Halifax and the young lady at the front desk suggested I take those over because that might be the easiest way to get there with less hassle. Hmm I'll have to look into that.
So, for $2.25 I can take a ferry, which runs every 30 minutes, across the Halifax Harbour to the main part of Halifax that I would walk around anyway. Ha! A plan. There is free parking at the ferry terminal. Good plan.

I then decided to drive out to the Eastern shore of the province. Just drive until I didn't feel like it any more.
I found a lovely little seafood restaurant at Jeddore Oyster Pond.
Now, let me mention that the names of some shoreline hamlets are strange. Jeddore is no exception. There is Chezzetcook, Musquodoboit and Mushaboom to name a few. Where did these names come from?
Anyway Jeddore Oyster Pond no longer has oysters but it did and that's why the name stuck.
The little restaurant served an amazing lobster dinner and the owner actually came from Peterborough, Ontario 4 years ago to buy and run this place. Way too weird.
The view is great.

Time was marching on, fatigue was setting in and the clouds were gathering so I headed back to the hotel to sort my thing out and come up with a plan for tomorrow. It's supposed to rain and be nasty to I have to come up with clothing and a plan for a rainy trip. I think I'll stick with my plan to go to Halifax because there is a marine museum and the Alexander Keith's brewery tour that I can partake in and they aren't outside.
I'll play it all by ear.

So I've left the quite, serene views of the Cabot Trail to a historical urban area with the action it has of a long weekend. I have 3 full days here and I know I'll find things to make it all fit in!

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