The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 10-Summerside PEI to Keltic Lodge, Ingonish Nova Scotia

I can honestly say, right now (it's 9:30 pm), I'm pooped.
Warn out.

For the moment.

I can't believe 13 hours ago I drove out of the parking lot of the hotel in Summerside and now am sitting in a lovely suite in Keltic Lodge overlooking "Old Smokey" and the Atlantic ocean on the Cabot Trail.

What a journey!
Oh yeah, and I forgot to look at the milage when I finally stopped the trusty Equinox today. I'll give a summary when I remember to get that info!

The ferry from Wood Islands to Caribou, Nova Scotia was uneventful and I was certainly wind burnt from the trip. The clouds and rain had lifted at one point and it was just lovely on the top deck watching the Northumberland Strait go by. It didn't appear wavy but the ferry was definatly rocking from side to side. I think ferries are a neat way to travel and it certainly cut a significant amount of time off of my journey.


Bye Bye PEI, from the NFL Ferry Confederation on the way from Wood Island PEI to Caribou NS.

So, onto a new province! I've never been to Nova Scotia and so many people have told me how awesome it is and what a beautiful place it is. I thought PEI was pretty special but I'm going to be awed by this place I'm sure.

The transCanada highway is well planned out through this mid part of the province with many passing lanes up hills created so it doesn't create a back log of traffic. There is work on a divided highway too but it will be many years before it is completed all the way to Antigonish.
After a short lunch break in Antigonish (home of St. F-X university!) I continued on my way.
The sun out now and it was becoming a beautiful drive.
I began to see the twisting turning roads of the Cape Breton and the lovely green hills to remind me of Vermont. Traffic was steady and behaving itself.
Once on the Cabot Trail itself the roads are narrow and require a lot of attention to navigate them. I did see one car off the road in the ditch going the other way and that just solidified to me that 100% focus is needed to drive this. There is no need for maps though because there is only one way to go and no side roads to worry about.
I can only imagine what this road would be like with some snow on it! Yikes!! I'm glad it was dry and sunny. Every turn was a truly amazing picture!

I have 3 nights booked at the Keltic Lodge in Ingonish Nova Scotia. It is within the confines of the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. I was told I had to pay the park fee, which I did but I'm wondering if others did. Hmmm. I'm helping the whole national park thing anyway. It's their 100th anniversary so I figure it's a birthday present.

The Keltic Lodge is a site of a golf course, cottages, Inn, main lodge and spa. There are hiking trails and nice chairs set up all over the grounds. It's spectacular! My room has a WALK IN CLOSET! How cool is that! I've never had one of those ever!
There are 3 restaurants on site (one of more formal dining for dinner) and a lounge that has live entertainment each night.
Many of the staff wear kilts (this is lovely I might add! ;-)

I unpacked my things and decided a swim was in need. The pool is set a little down the hill from the Lodge and a lovely place to lounge around and enjoy the view of the ocean below it. Really something.

After a nice dinner with a spectacular view (really that's why you're here, the view) I ventured back to the Lodge and took pictures as I went.

Tired and needing to unwind I returned to my room to review my information pamphlets and think about how awesome the drive was today. I'm glad I'm taking a couple of days to regroup!

Some photos for you all. Though you don't get the full effect without the crying of the sea gulls and the wind and waves crashing on the cliffs. That you have to BE here for.

Keltic Lodge; Ingonish, Nova Scotia. Entrance in on the right an my two windows are on the second level, fourth and fifth from the right.

Old Smokey from Keltic Lodge. Yes, I drove to the top of that and back down. Quite a drive! The water is the Atlantic!

Me and the cliffs of Cape Breton Island at Keltic Lodge (yup, the wind is blowing quite hard!)

So another successful and safe arrival at my spot for the next few days.

I can't wait to explore the next part!

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