The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Monday, October 3, 2011

West Coast Hang out-Monday October 3

Hey gang
It's now October and I can't believe that! What a blast I've been having!
I arrived in Surrey on Wednesday the 28th in the evening after a fun drive through the Fraser Canyon from Salmon Arm BC to Surrey. It was an amazing drive! The land scape was so desolate but so beautiful too and the Thompson River was really moving. The road only had a few points of construction on it so it wasn't too bad but there were times that I think the poor Equinox had no idea what a straight piece of road was. The sun was shining and the breeze nice as I zipped up and down the hills and valleys.

Quite something isn't it! Wow, what a neat drive.

Thankfully the nav system took me right to my cousin's place because the part of Surrey they're in is all numbered street names. I'm okay with those but it's a little confusing in the subdivision they're in. My cousin T was out visiting with a neighbour when I drove in so it was nice to see a friendly face right off the bat. I arrived to a home. It was nice to "move in" for a few days and just hang out with family members I don't get to see very often let alone spend some quality time with. They have two puppies, Monty and Maya who are the cutest things on the planet. Bishon Frisee and Shitzu crosses. So adorable and so loving. They are fun to watch too.

On Friday I decided to head up to Whistler, the weather was supposed to be good for Friday but not for Saturday and Sunday so back in the good old Equinox and off to the Sea to Sky highway. After getting through the crazy construction on Hwy 1 and over the Mann Bridge I was smooth sailing to Squamish then on to Whistler. The highway, again, didn't have a straight piece in it the whole way. It was a fun drive but I'd hate to think what it's like on a snowy day. Little time for views on the way there but I noted a number of pull out places to stop and figured I'd do that on the way home.

Whistler is pretty quiet this time of year and I enjoyed walking around in the sunshine. The Olympic Plaza was a lovely place to sit and enjoy people watching.

I had hoped to go on the peak to peak gondola ride between Blackcomb mountain and Whistler but that was only running on the weekends weather permitting but no biggie. I loved wandering around the town and enjoying the sights. One of the chairlifts was working taking mountain bikers to the top of Whistler mountain. What a trip that must be coming down. All the riders I saw were very experienced and had all the right equipment and looked like they really knew what they were doing. I watched these guys and some girls too, for quite a while.

The drive home was good and I stopped to take some pictures along the way.

This is the Tantalus mountain range and is quite sacred to the First Nations here in BC. It was pretty despite the sun had gone behind the clouds.

On Friday T and I ventured off to visit my aunt, her mom, and go to downtown Vancouver. This was quite and adventure for T as she says she really doesn't go to Vancouver that often. Surrey has everything she needs. So it was a fun time for her as well. I had been in Vancouver about 5 years ago, maybe 6, I can't remember really but it was fun and I remember the downtown core quite well as I was staying in a hotel there. I remember the Skytrain (transit system) was really a neat way to get around. I also had another goal. Getting a ticket to the BC Lions, Edmonton Eskimos CFL football game. The stadium, BC Place, has been closed for a number of months while the roof was being fixed and the whole place upgraded. This was the opening game for the stadium. I wanted to go. So there was our quest.

We stopped by the seniors facility where my aunt lives and had a very nice visit with her. She's 91 and still bopping along. She loves her hugs and loves a good story (oh yeah and her trashy National Enquirers too)

We were giggling in this picture because she thought I was nice and warm and snuggly! Hey, what ever works for you when you're 91.

T and I set off for the Skytrain station and downtown. T was having a blast as we boarded and headed off. It was just starting to rain when we got off at Stadium station. I thought I might buy my Lions ticket there but the box offices weren't open. Not to worry I would find some where to get a ticket and the tourist info places would tell me.

I had remembered a really good sushi bar on a street downtown, I couldn't remember which of 2 streets it was on so off we went to find it. Not locating it but hungry we went to a crepe place. Holy Cow! was it ever good. I had a proscuitto, brie and egg crepe and T had a spinach, feta and egg one. Oh yeah, we both had coffee milkshakes too. This was completely awesome! The food was so good and so amazing. We had a blast.
As we exited I found my sushi bar had been in the building across the road from our crepe place but that building was being destroyed! Alas, I was on the right road though! 

Fortified we headed off to the water front to the tourist information place and Woohoo! I got my ticket! Being a sole ticket seaker I got one 3 rows from the turf off the 10 yard line right in front of the TSN broadcast stage. How cool is that!
Shopping time now and we headed to Gastown. T wanted to go to the jade store(s) and just be a tourist, I was looking for anything unique. In the jade store I found a necklace with 5 jade peas in a gold pod. It was the cutest thing (on sale too!) and so neat. I had to get it. T got a nice necklace and some earrings too. Very worthwhile stop.
At the beginning of Water street in Gastown there was a native artist store that featured silver jewelry with Haida carvings on it. We were both entranced. They had these silver beads (more like a band of silver) with totems carved into them. Each totem (frog, moon, hummingbird, raven, sun etc) has specific meanings. T was so taken with these pieces and their meaning that she decided we should get one each that "speaks to us". So I now have a silver frog totem bead and she has a silver moon totem bead. The beads are created by artist Travis Henry and mine indicates communication, stability and power of sound. Doesn't that fit me to a "t"?
T's is tranquility, inner peace and guidance. It too is perfect for her.
T was soooo excited that we had done this. It was fun!

After a stop at a coffee shop we parted ways and I headed over to BC Place for the beginning of the whole hoopla before the game. The Premier was there as was the mayor of Vancouver and the first person through the doors to the "new" BC Place was the longest holding season ticket holders. It was nice, the crowd was into it and all was good.
The fans were really into the whole experience inside too, the roof was retracted (where everyone oohed and ahhed) at the beginning of the game (think a huge Russian type blind that retracts into itself) and Sarah McLaughlin sang O Canada! Oh yeah, and the Lions won as well. The concession stands really had a problem but I got my hot dog and pop so I was okay but I know the whole food and beer thing has been a news maker out here. I had fun regardless. 
 Usually on my tour I don't go out at night but this was a different occassion and T had said it was no problem to pick me up at the Surrey Skytrain station so I was good there.
Just at the end of the game there are folks that throw little stuffed footballs out to the crowd. I had my head turned to make sure I had all my stuff and one bounced off my head into the guys lap in front of me! He said that I had really caught it and gave it to me and he and his wife and I started to chat. Seemed they were heading to Surrey on the Skytrain too and I could walk with them if I wanted. Great! I knew where to go but it was still nice to have a couple of people with me. Off we ventured. Crammed into a Skytrain we picked the right way to go by walking a bit to the first stop on the system so we could get a seat. It was still squishy but at least we were sitting.
It had been a long day. I was pooped! I think I needed a day off! So.... I took a couple! L and I watched sports on the big screen, T and I looked at family pictures and swapped stories and we had tons of good times. A good rest from my travels.

But the travelling bug was buzzing again so yesterday morning I looked at my maps again, planned my strategie and am now set to get on the road again and find new things to look at and enjoy.

I can't express enough my thanks to my western family for having me hang out with them and we've had a blast! It's been great!

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