The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Home and Running!

Well folks I apologize for the lack of posting for the past week or so.
I've been run off my feet!
After driving my butt off!

Once Memphis was behind me (more on that later) I had about 17 hours of driving time left to get to good old Southampton. With a stop over in Middletown Ohio (nice place I'm sure, didn't bother to look) I headed into the land of trees with no leaves and some dry, slightly brown fields of mid Ohio and Michigan.

Surprisingly (and thankfully) the border guard at Port Huron did not want me to unpack even one thing other than my passport and let me through with only a few basic questions. PHEW! I was having a few nightmares over the possibility of unpacking the super packed Equinox to prove all I had purchased. Yes, I had all the receipts and was prepared, like a good Girl Guide, but wasn't to be. Yay!

Now it was home to Southampton and all things Canadian. Ahhh it's good to be home. I was only a little road weary.

I really enjoyed being in the US. Everyone was so nice and I have no complaints but it's something to say that I'm Canadian and proud to be and glad to be home again. Even if the trees don't have leaves on them (yet) and the ground is certainly colder than what I'm used to and the wind is a little chillier it's still home. With the warm weather Ontario experienced in March it was nice to see some of the flowers blooming away but there was still a chill in the air. Quite the contrast from the heat and humidity of Port Charlotte.

I was in a bit of a time warp.
When I left Southampton in December it didn't look much different than it does now.
But I've got a tan.
Something to get used to.

So I spent a couple of days and unpacked everything. Looked at where it all was to go. Toronto, L'Ann's End or the house of The Man. Then there was The Man's bag, packed with all the things he had bought down there. That was fun. Kind of like Christmas again!

Then there was a trip to Toronto for some appointments, check in with The Mother, open a mountain of mail and finish my income tax. Then it was time to get L'Ann's End sorted out for another season. I will actually spend a lot of time there this year and of course there are the chores that go along with owning a seasonal property. Siding to be cleaned. Basic repairs inside, a new picnic table to be found, wood to be chopped from a tree that was cut down last year; stuff like that. So I've been running around doing all sorts of things. What's really nice is that I can actually spend the time to do things and not feel rushed because I'm only here for a few days. Nice....

I have still to look at my pictures from Memphis and label them all. That'll be a challenge but I want to include some in my next blog because it really was something to be where Elvis lived, be where he recorded (Sun Records) and watch the Peabody Ducks parade to the elevator to their penthouse for the night at the historical Peabody Hotel. I have so many good memories of the last 5 months that it's hard to wrap it all up.

I think I'll keep blogging though. The topics might be of interest, might not but it's still something that's going on in my time on my pilgrimage. I guess every journey can be a pilgrimage if you want to make it so. I have gotten out of the blogging habit and have to get back to it. Sorry about that.

Suffice to say I am home safe and sound and better for the experience of being a Snowbird.
Something about having a tan in March is kind of cool.
The Man is addicted to Florida and is so wishing he was down there right now (yeah, it's 3 degrees Celcius out and a howling northwest wind so anyone would want to go south).

Thanks for reading and I PROMISE to blog more often. Pictures too 'kay....

OH yeah, The beloved Equinox has amassed 46,450 km since it's purchase on May 4, 2011. Whew! That's a lot of touring! Awesome....

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