The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

One Month to Go.

As the wind blows the beach balls around in the pool I reflect that I have only one more month to spend in lovely Port Charlotte as a Snowbird.
Oh my!
First of all I can't believe I've been here two months. It seems like ages since The Man and I arrived, pasty white and eager to enjoy the pool, sun, wing nights and all the rest of the area.

But I've got lots of time still to do some of the things I want to check out.

Yesterday I took me to the beach. Packed up my towel, sunscreen (yup, still need it after all this time in the sun), book and chair and headed for Venice Beach. Was there nice and early but there were still a lot of people parked in their sandy spots already at 10:30 am. I had checked the tide charts and knew that the tide was on it's way out. This is important information because you don't want to set up your chair knowing you may have to move it because the water is rising.
Once you're parked, you're parked!

Sunscreened up, book in hand this was my view for the day.

You'll note this is one of my "feet" shots. I have them from all over the place now. I'll have to make an album of just my feet shots. Okay, weird but what the hey....
You'll also note the lack of clouds. The wind was blowing off shore (from the east) so there aren't big waves except for the sea swells coming in. There was a good undertow taking you out though as I saw by a couple of guys snorkeling by the pier and they kept drifting farther out.

I went for walks to the pier, beyond the pier and about a kilometer in the other direction than this picture. Simply awesome!

I watched people with metal sieves going through the shells at the shoreline in search of shark's teeth which are supposed to wash up here. Some folks found some but they were very, very tiny. Guess it's all in the hunt.

I watched rookies, very pasty white, enjoy the day knowing full well they were going to be hurting units when they got home. I was actually burned in places I thought I was tanned in. I don't think I've been this tanned for 30 years! I look like a Snowbird now. The Man had a substantial tan when he left. I've now met his by just one visit to the beach.

The water was a lovely light blue/green colour but a little chilly. I didn't go in as the thought of sitting in a salty wet bathing suit didn't appeal. I was enjoying sitting. Didn't even read my book much, there was too much to watch.

Today, I've been reading. Yup, just hanging out, reading a book. Did a few puzzles too. The pool is lovely to sit beside and just hang out. Mind wandering with the plot of the book, listening to the wind in the palms and thinking......

I could get used to this......

Oh, I already have.


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