The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

And then there was 1....

After 4 months, several thousand kilometers of travel, tons of fun times and a few quiet times, a great tan and wishing he wasn't going, The Man has boarded a plane for TO. Eventually he will be back in his world in Southampton but he really didn't want to go today. Who would? It's already 80 F by the pool and very humid (again).
I had a very quiet drive back to Brazil Ave and the house seems quite quiet right now. I'm surprised that I notice it.
If I had told him he'd be not wanting to leave this lovely spot after just 2 weeks here he'd say I was crazy. He took a little time to adjust but then he started to love the Snowbird lifestyle. The Man devoured 17 books! I think that's more than he's ever read in his LIFE! It was sitting by the pool, in the sun, with nothing else on his agenda that did it I think. We spent over $400 on books (thank God for the discount card at Books a Million) and he loved every second of it.

I think this whole experience gave him a chance to see what it would be like to be retired. Though he did keep track of work on line from time to time and was even getting a report ready in his mind for an event that's happening on Saturday in Saugeen Shores, he did take some mental time away from that gig and just enjoy doing nothing. Oh yeah, getting a great tan was part of his agenda too I think.

We spent more time together in the past several months than most working couples. We learned more about each other and it was a great time I think. Sure, I like my solitude, but that's all I've ever known and it certainly was nice to have someone around to yak with, bug, cook for and do things with.

So now I have my time to re-adjust to the solitude, for a little while anyway. I'll have to come up with a new routine of things to do and I'm sure I will. Since I've been entertaining for the past few weeks (The Bro and The Mother). I'm going to take some time and read some books by the pool. My tan's pretty good but it could use some real establishing!

Here begins the quiet life, for a few days anyway, until one of my Nutty Buddie pals and family come down for a little taste of paradise.

I'll include some pictures from the past couple of weeks for your enjoyment.....

The Mother resting by the pool. Note the tan lines! It doesn't take long down here to get some colour!

The Man, in his usual spot in the morning. He'd turn around later in the afternoon to face the sun again. Note book in hand.

Warnings on golf courses in Florida need to be heeded.

Greyhound #2 came in big for me. This is the parade of racers with their handlers before their event. The dogs all wear t-shirts with their numbers. I want to adopt a greyhound!
                                           Smooth waters of the pool at sunset. Ahhhhh!

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