The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Technology Update

There are times in one's life that we sit and wonder if life is passing us by.
Then we do something about it.

The Mother decided a few years ago that she was not going to let this happen.

She got a computer, hooked it up and off she went.
She has an email address.
She even does her banking on line!

She has a satellite receiver for the TV, a VCR, DVD player and even a cell phone.

But she didn't have a web cam.

She wanted a web cam.
She needed a web cam so she could Skype me during my travels.
You see, she might miss something.
It might pass her by.

So, as of this evening she has a web cam.
She has Skype.
I've set it up so she doesn't have to do anything to make it work, just press the button and go.

Now life won't pass her by.
She's got the latest technology.
Her friends will be impressed.

I'll be getting phone call to ask how it all works again.
I promised to write it out for her.
So she wouldn't get too lost figuring out this gizmo.

Pray for me....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

14 Sleeps to Go!

My friend, A, asked how many sleeps until I go to Europe.
You see, our God-daughter, H, always used to ask how many sleeps until she could go to the cottage in Southampton.
This, then, is a normal question when we're anticipating something exciting.

 But I didn't know!
Today I counted.
I think I'm ready.

Prague is 6 hours ahead of us in Central Europe Summer Time.
As I write this it's 7 degrees Celcius and clear. The days are getting warmer there too!
I've book marked a site that will keep me up to date on all of that.

I have purchased everything that I think I might need (lock for the suitcase, mini umbrella etc).
Really I don't know what I'll need and I know I have to have space in my suitcase because I know I'm going to buy stuff there (I'm still after a Czech hockey jersey) and maybe some Bohemian crystal, oh and maybe a beer stein. Ho hum... the list goes on.

At work I'm winding down too. No, I don't know how many sleeps I have until my leave of absence but when things are discussed about next fall or after the summer I find myself tuning out! Oh dear! Sorry, C, (my manager) it's just happening, I can't help it!

I have had the fun of thinking ahead for the road trip too.
Last week, B, one of the RT's that works on the ward, was giving me pointers of what route I could take in my eastern swing. B's been there a bunch of times with his family and gave me great pointers. I can't wait to go tubing in Miramichi New Brunswick and go to Digby Nova Scotia for scallops. There's so much to research! I'm glad I got a big vehicle because I'm going to have all sorts of trinkets and things from this trip too. I think though, I've got a pretty good handle on what will happen on at least that part of the trip!

I have also realized that L'Ann's End will have a very short season this year. Usually I open up at the end of April. Not this year. It will be in May, then close again at the beginning of September. 
Short season but for a fun reason!

So, 14 sleeps to go until I board a plan for Frankfurt, then a train to Dresden, Germany, then another train for Prague. I'll be pooped out but what a thrill!

The countdown begins......

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tickets in hand and a new Equinox

Well folks, it never ceases to amaze me how things are coming together for this coming year.

My tickets for Prague arrived in the mail on Friday and all is good to go.
This is always a thing I worry about...
I need the tickets in my hand to make sure that things will really happen.
Well, I have my tickets so I guess it's happening for real.
Now I'm getting excited.

On Saturday The Man and I were in Owen Sound settling up some renovation things for his house and I wanted to go by the Chevrolet/Cadillac dealer to look/inquire/make an appointment to see/test drive a new Equinox. As it happens a very nice young man (I can say this. I'm grey now) came out of the show room to help us. I told him what I was after and not long later we were test driving a 6 cylinder Equinox, then a 4 cylinder and at The Man's request, a Cadillac SRX. It was the 6 cylinder Equinox that impressed us the most. Of course it had all the bells and whistles on it. Funny though, that's what I want. Hmmmm

We went in side the dealership to "talk deal". This is always the fun part. A little give and take on both sides and I'm a happy girl. I've always enjoyed "making a deal" and making things work out for the best, for both sides but I know what I want and eventually I'll get it. :-)
We were actually dealing with the grandson of the owner of the dealership and even his father works there too. That means something to me. Family business means they care about customer service. I'm a customer that cares and I know I'll get good service.

After 2 hours of back and forth and checking and re-checking I will be the proud owner of the White (naturally), 6 cylinder (grrrr think TRUCK), All Wheel Drive (Rockies here I come), fully loaded (you name it, it's in it) 2011 Chevy Equinox in May some time. The vehicle needs to be built and delivered from Ingersol.
Right, did I tell you it has an 8 speaker, 40 watt Pioneer sound system? I'll bounce down the road, forget the traction control.
Oh yes and it has a nifty feature of a reverse camera that shows what you're backing into or not, as the case may be.
Excited? You betcha!
This is the first time in my life I've bought a vehicle that has EVERYTHING on it! I better like it, I'm going to have it for a while.

Today is Monday and there are things I need to make sure are checked off my to do list as it's only a few weeks until Europe.
Time seems to be moving along and all seems to be working out in a great way...

Vrrooomm! I'll post a picture when I get the new ride!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Final Leg of Prague Arrival Good to Go!

Well it's finally done.
All parts of the trip are finalized.
My travel agent has received the up to date rail schedule from Europe and now I have a train ticket from Frankfurt to Prague.

The "trip bags" are getting more organized and there seems to be a few things I need to get before I go but heck, I could go tomorrow! I'm ready now.

When things get organized or fall into place there is a sense of "aaah" and it's all good. I can relax and think of the little things I might not consider if I was rushed or stressed.

The extended gang at work is learning of the trip and what plans I have. When I tell them "I won't be around next year at this time" I get a strange look and then I remind them what's up. It's weird they say because I've always been there. I'm the longest serving, save for one of the physicians, that's been in the department. Weird.

Yesterday I had a short but great visit with my former charge tech, L, (if I said "old" she'd kick me in the shins for sure). She was always bugging me to get over to the Czech Republic and being German she didn't quite understand why I didn't get off my horse and go. A time for everything I guess.  I did have fun telling her I was going, finally. Every time I tell someone I get excited about what I'm going to see and what I'm going to do.

The journey will be a long one. I leave Toronto at 5:30 pm on the 13th and arrive in Prague 24 hours later. There is a time change but I'll still be on Toronto time when I arrive. I'm sure adrenalin will keep me up.

The true count down begins!
One month to go.
Who knew a year ago this was going to happen.
Wow, what a difference a year can make.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time Marches On

No matter how hard we try we can't stop time.
The second hand, or in the digital age, seconds, tick away and there's nothing we can do.
I am enjoying the fact that the Europe trip is getting closer.
Each day I'm thankful for the organization skills I have at the approaching trip and my year off.
Strangely everything seems to be fitting into place.

I know once I'm there I'll be dreading coming back. It's going to be such a different way of life and new challenges.

Tonight I finished installing my Kobo e-reader on my netbook. I realized that I'll need that installed to charge it when I'm away. I have some books that I'll take with me but for space reasons the e-reader will be the way to go.
I was multi-tasking tonight too. Writing little notes in a journal of days, as I call it, which outlines highlights of the day and where I am and what I'm thinking about. This will become more significant when the trip actually starts.
Time will march on and I'll probably forget what I'm thinking or feeling in a few years. No, correct that. I WILL forget.
A trip journal is something I've always kept. This is for a long time though! Got to get the practice in before I get in the touring mode.

In our lives we remember significant events, sometimes to the hour that the event happened.
Time is continuing to heal The Man's and my heart as we miss our little fuzzy pal. Distractions are a way to have time pass without feeling. As we move to happier times I know I'll begin to see the fun in things and have a spring in my step again rather than be more business like.
It's the beginning of March. That means that SPRING is coming and for some reason this year I'm really looking forward to it.
New growth.
New life.
Milder temperatures.

And time marching on to my flight to Europe.....