The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New way of looking at things....

It's been just over 2 months since I have graced the hallowed halls of St. Michael's hospital, it's been just over a month since I got back from Florida, it's been nearly a YEAR since I last posted on my blog.
Oh dear how time flies.
I hope I remember how to do this.

Up rooting a life so set by routine after 25 years is a bit of a challenge and something that should never been done swiftly. I have had the luxury of time in many aspects of this new journey in my life but I do know that everything that has happened has happened for a distinct reason. Our lives are not governed by a "how to" manual or by a direction that we read in the morning paper but by occurances that we may or may not have any say in the direction that they take us.

In November I was given a true sense of what it was going to be like in the future at St. Michael's and being the good Girl Guide I started to prepare, mentally, physically and emotionally. As we all know waiting is one of the most painful things we can live through. Whether we wait for something fun or something dire it's all the same on the stress meter.
2 months later I had my answer to the "what's going to happen to me" question. 36 hours after that I was on a plane to Florida for a pre-arranged vacation. My advise to anyone who might be in a position that I was in is to go away once everything is signed, sealed and delivered. Just go away from the place that you are in. Decompress, re-evaluate, do something fun, sleep (I did a lot of that), remember that life is for the living and enjoy yourself. Keep in touch with loved ones, take care of yourself, do something for yourself and most of all, take a deep breath and know that it's time to re-invent yourself.

See, for 25 years (save for a year off) I had been doing the same thing in the same place. I love the people I worked with, they drove me crazy, made me laugh and were intelligent and wise team players. I know I will miss them and miss the commaraderie we shared but, it was the same subway ride (how many tokens did I go through in that time, God knows), to the same stop (Queen), with the girls in Tim Horton's knowing my order right off the bat, to the scrub vending machine that my bar coded ID badge opened up to get a fresh pair every day. The people I saw each day challenged me in many different ways. Over time that can become fatiguing for sure but they were all interesting in their own way. I will miss them too.

I have worked for and with various people and organizations since the age of 14 when I got my first job. I don't really know what it's like not to be in school or working or both at the same time. Now I get to find out. I have been given a new door to look out of, the door is open, I am walking through it to find what's on the other side.

I am thankful to so many people through this time of transition and new challenge.
First of all The Man, who said right away "pack your bags and get up here" when I alerted him to my new work status. I will never forget and be eternally grateful for his words and support during the time I was in Florida getting my ducks in a row.
To my friends L, A and M who have been supportive, jealous, worried, helpful and just there for me when I knew they would be. To The Mother who, though terrified at the sheer thought of me leaving Toronto for the first time ever (and not just for a weekend), has supported the whole process and to the host of friends and family who give me words of encouragement and joy.

So yesterday I ventured into my newest volunteer opportunity with PRANCE, Pegasus Riding Association Nurturing Challenged Equestrians, outside of Southampton. I always said that I'd volunteer with them when I was retired. Well, now's a good enough time as any. I got right in on learning to tack the horse (Sienna was a patient girl), cleaning, brushing, side walking and leading procedures and watching a class. All really good work! Such an amazing place. So much to learn! I have always loved horses, so excited....

Each day brings a new challenge and I have a list of things to do. Once L'Ann's End is open it's time to do more work but for now it's the continued sorting, packing and re-finding stuff. Long process but for the first time in my life....I have time.


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