The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Monday, February 6, 2012

In a Routine? Maybe....

Regular life (the life I have when I'm not on my Pilgrimage) has a routine.

Up, work, home/volunteer then bed and it repeats itself until Friday when home is 250 km away for a few days then it's back to the routine of the city.

I've been out of my routine for a while and where ever I am or what ever I'm doing it takes a while to get into a routine. Even when I'm travelling around there will be a routine. Up, pack, check map, breakfast, crossword puzzle during breakfast, check out of room, and drive to the next scenic thing.

In Port Charlotte I think I've finally found a routine. Yeah, I fell into the trap of staying up late watching some dumb program on TV, okay, maybe not dumb but mindless. Like Gold Rush or Undercover Boss or my favourite, Diners Drive Ins and Dives. Then I don't get up until 10 am and I feel like the day is mostly gone! Gotta change that!

New routine. Up around 8, breakfast with a crossword puzzle and/or Suduko and out for my mile walk. It's just around two of the streets here but I've paced out a mile with the car and I'm walking it every morning. I saw a Facebook post from my cousin N who said "anything done for 21 days becomes a habit". Well, I'm up to 5 days in a row. Not much but I do feel much better when I get back and I see all sorts of people and things when I'm out there.

Did you know the roads are set on a bed of crushed shells and not gravel as is in Ontario! Now that's neat.

And that the county has "posted" that a home is abandoned or vacant. Meaning that they have to cut the lawn. The owners are gone, no one pays anything and the house just sits there. This is quite a frequent thing after hurricane Charlie 5 years ago and the economy many people literally walk away from their homes. They can't afford to fix them after the damage caused by the hurricane and the economy has left them with little choice but to leave. It's sad but there are 3 homes in this little area that it has happened to.

I am starting to see various homes have occupants for a time, then they head out again. The home beside mine is a rental. A company owns it and rents it out. Interesting.

Today we welcome The Man's brother to Paradise for a week. Even though the forecast isn't the blazing sun we've had it's still 80F (26 C) out by the pool at 10 am and there's just a slight breeze. It's lovely, let me tell you! A little humid but still very nice. It will be nice to have a guest to show around. I'm sure he'll enjoy himself.

Enjoying yourself here isn't hard. We decided to go to a bistro called "JD's Bistro and Grille" with initials like that we couldn't pass it up. It was nice to go to a "nicer" place. There was a singer with piano and bass accompiment and the food was outstanding but it was the drinks.
Oh yeah, a Key Lime Pie Martini. You guess it. And it even has a Graham Cracker glass rimmer. Oh yup it was good.
The Man especially liked it.
There's a smile there, really there is.
I think this was his second. They were yummy.
I was particularly enjoying the Margartinis. Think of it as a marguerita without all the ice. Just the booze.
They were lovely too.

The menu included wild boar. Which was super! The place kind of reminded me of a place in Southampton, Grosvenor's. Interesting food and nice servers. Our's, Laurie, was a hoot. We has so much fun there, partly because of her.
We've already made a reservation for my birthday. There's supposed to be a really cute singer there that night. Oh yay!

So, the routine is starting to come together and it's been good to get one going. The Snowbird life without a plan is rather hap hazard. But sitting by the pool all day is part of a routine isn't it??? I've even added daily laps in the pool to my agenda. I've been a sloth way too long. 

Cheers from the Snowbird try-out team.

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