The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Sunday, February 12, 2012

All is Quiet....For now

The Boys are having a late snooze in and I'm the only one up! Who would have thunk it!
The Bro gets up pretty early and with coffee and puzzle he is out by the pool enjoying the morning sunshine.
This morning there is sunshine but it's not sitting weather outside.
The cold front that has hit Ontario came all the way down here too.
For just one day I'm told.
At time of writing (10am) it's about 45 F with a strong wind outside.
Supposed to be 60 F later.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be back up to 70 F (20 C) which is much better then 80 F (27 C) on Tuesday. Phew. Much better.
Other than one day for His Pasty Whiteness to work on removing that nickname (he did well) we have been touring around. We experienced the Chubby'z wing night, the Fisherman's Village over in Punta Gorda where we bought the coolest t-shirts that change colour in the sun and The Mall where The Boys bought new shoes.
Today is The Bro's last full day here and I don't know what's up. I know they aren't even out of bed yet so it's going to be a playing it by ear thing.
The Bro likes maps so when he found a Port Charlotte Beach Complex we decided to head over there to have a look.
What a neat place.
Pool, tennis courts, launching ramp for boats, swimming area and a little bit of beach. Nice.
The Bros walking back from their stroll on the pier. Note they both have their hands in their pockets when they walk. Family trait I guess.
There was even pink seaweed to look at on the shore. Very interesting.

In our travels Friday we decided to play some mini-golf at the interesting looking place on Route 41 heading out of Port Charlotte.
So playing with 2 brothers that tend to compete just a little bit was amusing to say the least. This course wasn't the easiest thing on the block either!
 Not to mention the iguanas that kept running around distracting you!
Yeah, he's real and can move really FAST!
Also it's really hard to putt well when the scene is so pretty.

The Man won after 36 holes of some of the craziest holes but only by a few strokes. It was surprisingly close.
The Bro was very focused. I think that is because we were at the fountain of youth earlier that day.
For all the complaining about "We're not getting any younger you know..." they are both quite spry and youthful and they make each other laugh.
The Man and I thought that The Bro might like a little charge up of the youthful fuel tank and went to Ponce De Leon's Fountain of Youth. The Man and I have been there before and wanted to share with the Bro.
See, doesn't he look so much more youthful???

All the visits have been good to what ever venue we've been to and there is so much to see and do.
The weather has been awesome and it's been fun to check things out that we've enjoyed and find some new things that we haven't.

I'm still working on finding out what all the birds are that we see and did find a Florida Bird Book at the bookstore and am madly checking off what we find. I'm having a terrible time identifying the flowers and plants. Some are native but some aren't and it's hard to tell what's what.
Like this one.
The plant itself is about 7 feet tall. This flower was right at eye level. Yes, it's real in case you're wondering. It was at the Fountain of Youth so it's anyone's guess as to what it is. It gets warm water all the time and maybe the minerals made it all very happy to grow. Who knows but it's really something.

So I guess that's all for now.
The Bro is up now, The Man still snorking away. Guess The Boys are tired from all their goofing around...

Cheers all!

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