The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Monday, January 23, 2012

But What Does a Snowbird DO???

The question in the title line is something that has be uttered the last few days around the pool at Paradise in Port Charlotte.

Really, what do they do? Do they have lives? Do they do something every day? Do they worry about things? Is sitting around the pool reading books all there is to a Snowbirds' life? (I'm enjoying that part I must admit.) Below are some observations.

Do they go to bingo? Well, there are 2 bingo halls that seem to have cars around them at any hour of the day. So I'd say yes.

Do they go bowling? Well, yes, seems those places are busy too, even at 10 in the morning.

Do they go bicycling? Oh yeah, and you should see some of the 3 wheeled contraptions we've seen on the sidewalks. Of course there has to be a requisit basket on the front or back for groceries, pet, oxygen tank or the ABC liquor store.

Do they go sightseeing? Hmmm, I'm not sure on that one but there seem to be a lot of cars on the roads but few in the malls.

Do they go shopping? (see above answer in part). Yes, grocery stores are huge here but the Target store was nearly empty today.

Do they read? Well, going by the number of book stores around, nope, they don't. We've found one but no Indigo or Chapters to be found.

Do they golf? Oh yeah, bring that one on. 16 courses within a 20 minute drive of the house and there's even one that is lit for night time play. Though it's gets dark down here around 7 now (we're lighter longer here, we're farther south!) I'm sure some Snowbirds are safely tucked in bed.

Do they spend time at salons or barbershops? Oh yeah I think they do. By the number of these establishments around I think that's a major source of entertainment for both genders. Way more places than in Toronto. But only one Dunkin Donuts. Going to the donut shop is not a biggy for social interaction.

Do they go to movies? Yes, early ones. The late show (9:30 pm on) will not have Snowbirds in attendance. Movies start about 1 pm everyday. The theatre not far from the house has 16 screens and there is every new movie there. The Man is very happy about this.

Do they plan home renovations? Nope, that's someone elses job though there are very large Home Depots and Lowe's building centres around. I think contractors go there more.

Do they work in their gardens? Must. Everyone's place looks so pretty down here.

Do they go for walks? Must. There is a new huge sidewalk being built down the side of one of the busier streets here. It might even meet up with our street, who knows.

Are they baseball fans? Oh you bet they are. The local maps all show where the spring training sites are (Orioles, Red Sox, Rays ) are all within 30 minutes of the house. The news even announces when single game tickets go on sale. Big Baseball stuff here in March.

Do they talk/worry/plan about their grandkids? Ya think??? Let me tell you, every converstation we've overheard in stores or line ups has had this component. Very big here.

Do they talk/worry/plan about the upcoming primary? Ie Newt vs. Ron? No, doesn't seem to be a big thing, though you see signs around promoting the candidates it's kind of a non issue here. I think because there are so many Snowbirds, Canadian or US that don't get too concerned about this stuff.

Do they like clean cars? My oh my, yes they do. Judging by the number of car wash places in the area this is a big thing! We were at one today that had a "Tornado Air Gun" dryer. 350 miles per hour of hot wind comes out of this gun looking thingy and you dry the car off. Had to try it. No comments please....

Can you tell a rookie Snowbird? Sure, by the colour of their skin. New recruits still look pastey. After a few days here they'll get that Florida glow going. Rookies complain of the heat. Old timer Snowbirds are just glad they're here.

What's more popular, Lunch or Dinner? Lunch by far. Way more people at the chinese restaurant today for lunch than we've seen around the early dinner hour. Need time to digest before nighty night time.

And finally, from the lips of The Man....
Is this all there is to life as a Snowbird?
Well, if you consider eating lovely fresh fruit, veggies and fish; golfing at some of the most beautiful courses; hanging out by a lovely warm pool bathed in sun with a nice breeze wafting through the palm trees a good way to spend part of your life then I think that there isn't much more to worry about as a Snowbird!
(It should be noted that The Man likes to worry about things and when he doesn't have anything to worry about it drives him squirrelly.)

I hope you have enjoyed some of the observations from a now seasoned Snowbird (over 3 weeks down here, I'm good as a "seasoned" Snowbird, got the skin colour to prove it).

Gotta go, my Pina Colada is at the perfect temperature to drink now...Hope the ice crusher doesn't break down. That would be a travesty.

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