The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Saturday, January 21, 2012

All Edges Covered!

I post this picture first because it is where I want to start. At the end!
This is Mile 0 of US Route 1. In the summer I was at the end of Route 1 in Maine! I don't remember what the mile number was in Maine but I was at the "other end".
This whole thing got me thinking.

In the past several months the trusty Equinox has gotten me to the eastern, western, northern and now, southern tip of the United States of America. It has done the same for Canada (except for the northern part, so far...)
Double Wow!
How cool is that!

The above picture is taken in Key West Florida at the corner of Fleming and Whitehead streets. I just had to have a picture here. Not only is Key West "the end" of the States (90 miles to Cuba, don'tcha know) it's the farthest south I've ever driven. Neat! Key West is a blast. We had a hoot!

The Man decided that we needed to spend a couple of nights in the Keys because it's too far to drive for a day trip. (6 hours from Port Charlotte to Key West). So we stayed at the Hilton in Key Largo. Good plan. It was a lovely drive and I was glad to have the rest inbetween. 
Oh yeah, baby. This is nice.
This is the view from our room. We're on the third floor. This is Florida Bay and facing north. Below is the "hammock beach" and there are chair to move where ever you want. The pier to the right is the Hilton's and you can walk out there and check out the fish and marine life floating around there. This place was just the best. Very quiet (not their busy season we were told) and everyone was soooo nice.
We arrived and needed lunch, well, we made it to the Tiki Bar (which are very popular down here) and the rest is history, we did have lunch but.... the frozen beverages were LOVELY.
View from the Tiki Bar at Key Largo Hilton.
The Man enjoying a strawberry Daquiri. YUM!

I am a water and nature freak and when there's a lovely sand beach waiting for me I have to explore. The sand is brilliant white (mashed up coral makes it this way) and the little shells and sea life are easy to pick out. As I was out wading in the rather cool water I found a little tiny star fish. It was so cute!
Our destination for the following day was Key West and just to sight see there. There were a few places I wanted to go while there. Kermit's Key West Key Lime Shoppe was one. Kind of the only one. The Key Lime pie freak in me couldn't wait to try this out. A funky shoppe with all things Key Lime in it. Even saw it articled on the Food Network. Couldn't go wrong there.

Other than that it was just to poke around and check out what Key West is all about. Reminded me a lot of Bar Harbor, Maine. There was a cruise ship in port when we were there but really there wasn't a crush of people, just a good number to make it fun.
The streets are pretty easy to navigate and once we found a parking spot (take lots of quarters!) we headed out to find what goes on.
First what we found was roosters, lots and lots of roosters. Wandering around, at will, no destination. All free.
Of course this begs the question, "why did the chicken cross the road?".
To get to the parking meter of course. Ha!

I have yet to do the research on why rooster "rule" Key West but it was so much fun to see them. All the traffic allows them to cross and they wander in and out of people's yards. Fun!
We went to Jimmy Buffet's original Margueritaville store and played tourist and bought sweatshirts (yeah, like it's 80 F out and I want to try on a sweatshirt) and yes, we found Kermit's!

So, if you like Key Lime Pie and ice cream bars, and chocolate covered ice cream on a stick this is for YOU.
Really, it was a slice of pie, dipped in dark chocolate and frozen on a stick. I cannot tell you how decadent is was. Yes, it tasted like another but I held back. It was a sugar high waiting for a place to happen. SOOOO Goood.
At Kermit's there was a little backyard patio with a pond and the biggest Koi fish I have ever seen. It was a beautiful little oasis to enjoy our treat.
And yes, there really is a Kermit. And yes, he looks like his picture (see lable above). He was standing outside his store, with his pie (which he throws at someone each day I'm told) and I couldn't resist, I'm such a tourist!!
The yellow bag in my left hand has some more treats (BBQ sauce and key lime jelly beans!)
What a blast that was. Too fun!
Oh yes, I'm wearing my tie dye shirt in honour that Key West is a very Proud town!

Another place in Key West to check is the Ron Jon surf shop. This is a cool person's store. Not being a surfer or particularly cool I decided to be a tourist and check it out. We did get some stuff! Natch!

We had fun wandering around some more, checking out the "old town" part and could realize what it would be like during spring break here. Tons of people and open air bars, old architecture and of course, roosters.

This old theatre is now a Walgreens! Love it when a town keeps the old and makes it new. As you can see by the cloudless sky it was only a little roasty down there but we had a great time. I know there is so much that can go on there and I would go back for a couple of days just to go to some establishments but we had a fine visit.

The route to Key West takes you over some magnificent bridges and through some very small Keys. I can see why this is such a popular place to come but once you're there, that's all that you see. Water, beaches and boats out fishing. Not bad really!

Our time in Key Largo was over on Thursday and we headed out to find the African Queen. This boat was used in the movie with Humphrey Bogart and it was supposed to be just up the road from the Hilton. We searched, turned around, turned back again and still didn't find it. We have it a college try but didn't have much luck. Weird. The Man figured it was out for repair. He has that kind of luck. Actually the waterfall at the pool at the Hilton was also off. This is a theme with him. We go somewhere with a waterfall advertised (for ambiance really) and we get there and it's shut off. Happened in Walter's Falls a few years ago. Now in Key Largo. Go figure.

All this time in Florida and I still hadn't seen a gator. Didn't want to see one in my back yard, just wanted to see one close up and check it out. On our way home we did!
A stop at the Oasis Visitor Centre in the Everglades there was a canal with all sorts of them.
Boy are they ever prehistoricl looking.
He didn't smile for his close up, though I did ask nicely.
This guy would raise his head every few minutes to take a breath. Weird.

Aren't they neat?? Wow, so huge too. They were basking in the sun. What a neat place to stop.

Through the area before the Glades is farm land. Miles and miles of farm land. Strawberries are just coming in and we had fresh corn last night with dinner. No frozen tundra here.
Lots of irrigation though.
Now that's a sprinkler!

Today, Saturday, we went to the Farmer's Market in Punta Gorda (a 10 minute drive) to check it out. Very busy but fun to see what goes on. The average age was 60 I think and everyone walked really slowly to see all the booths. Not a problem really, there was something for everyone but the booth selling knitted hats and scarves were not doing as well, I observed. Funny that, it was only 90 F in the sun!
The vegetables looked good but I was as little leery as they had been in the hot sun for a while. We were heading to the new Winn Dixie to shop anyway. This market was quite the spot though!
There was even a rescued Possum to pet! I think he was blind! He really liked me though and kept licking my hand (no, that's not my hand in the picture, someone else's.)

So that just about rounds out the last few days. I hope you've enjoyed the pictures. I've had fun putting it all together.
It's been quite the tour so far.
The tan is coming along nicely and The Man has finished reading his 3rd book which is a feat in itself as books aren't his thing.

Cheers all!

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