The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1-Only 2 months have passed!

Well folks, caving to peer pressure I am posting a "post eastern trip" blog as some readers are mightily upset that I haven't drawn this whole deal to a close. So here I am.

After 9,105 km, gazzilions of litres of fuel and tons of pictures later I escaped the outer rim of hurricane Irene and arrived in Southampton to The Man's newly painted house, balloon decorations in the trees and a nice cold beer in the hand of The Man who was waiting patiently (or not). It was a lovely home coming and really made me so glad I was back in familiar territory. It's weird what you miss. I was now going to be able to have breakfast on my time, not when the hotel decided it was time, I found things in the truck I hadn't remembered I had even packed and I could spend my evening not looking at a map or planning my next day.

It was quite the tour and I was happy to have left the States when I did as the news reports now show areas I had been in completely flooded or ruined. Again something was directing me to leave when I did and I didn't run into any problems. I guess getting up on the Sunday morning and seeing the trees blowing and the drizzle coming down made me leave Kingston, ON in a hurry.

Right now I'm in Toronto and completing all my tasks here before heading up north again. Really one day is all I need. I like it closer to the water. The humidity is killing me here! I am taking a few more days to just hang out before looking at maps again and planning the next part. I am so much more experienced in the  booking and seeking of lodging and what I can drive through to make it to my next destination. I have certainly learned that things will happen in time and they will happen for a reason. I find myself much less stressed about anything. (Now, that's weird...) I'll get there when I get there and things will work out when they decide to.

6 weeks was long enough to be away I think and in my future travels I think I'll have more "destination" stays, meaning I won't be packing up each morning and travelling to another destination, except when travelling to the west or back to Ontario. My instincts with the weather were pretty good and even though I had no idea what direction I was facing I was keen to keep an eye on what might be coming my way.
The Equinox was a star and carried me safely through all the parts of the journey. Even after one car wash I see it hasn't got the shine yet that it once did, I think I need to do a little more work on that! I did just pour out the PEI sand that was in the driver side car mat.

My little netbook is in the shop as it has a malfunction that will be covered by warranty and I'll be on the road blogging again. It's strange how caught up in the technology you get that when it's not working as well as it should it gets frustrating. I find that I'm not as frustrated as I was. Again, things will work as they're supposed to and it will all be fine. I guess I really needed to get a way. Didn't know I did but I'm finding that I can't believe I have 10 more months to go! Wow, that is really something!!!

The weekend is coming up and it will be a chance to hang out with the friends at the cottage and catch up with everyone there as well. It's really been a great time! I'm so thankful to everyone who has given me this opportunity.

Until later!
"Tentanda Via"

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