The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's Next?

All my life I have had an agenda (this sounds like a post I made during my travelling year so if I seem to be repeating myself, then, well, I'm having the same feeling again) and now I have to make my own agenda.

If I hadn't had my year off to "practice" this way of life I know I'd be a ship at sea. I know now what many retired folk feel when they are finished their working life and really don't have much to get up for in the morning. Now I'm a morning person so I like to get going but I'm finding by mid afternoon the nap attack happens and if I don't have something going on I'm in snoozeville. I don't know if this is a bad thing or not. I love my naps.

I have been "programmed", sometimes reluctantly, over many, many years of the same thing, same place, same way. Now I have to remember that repetativeness as a memory and bring some "I have no idea what I'm going to do today" into the mix. From elementary school through university and then into working life I have spent over 40 years with a set schedule of events, required attendance or due dates. Now those have dwindled to a mere handful.
Is this what retirement is like? Trying to figure out what to do each day? I think I have to work a little harder at making an agenda.
Today, writing the blog but first, taking some pictures...

Last night we had an ice storm. Yup, it's April 12th and we have 1/2 and inch of ice on everything.

Doesn't that look like one of those old parlour lamps with the fringe on it?
In some areas to the south there are multiple hydro poles down. It was really windy last night and though they are new poles they couldn't handle the onslaught. I decided to add some pictures of the event. Though not very exciting it does show how wild the weather is here. Even in April. Everyone is waiting for spring and Wiarton Willy better watch his back because I think he predicted and early spring. Liar.

Some flowers in the back garden are trying.
While other trees, though green, now are just hanging in there.

Spring is a time of renewal and as the weather hopefully begins to change for the nicer I am seeing signs that it's coming along. Yesterday I went for a walk down to the beach and in the calm there were lots of ducks and geese swimming along. It was quite chilly but you could feel spring was near. It is April for heavens sake.
That excursion was part of my "agenda" for the day. A walk, then I didn't feel guilty about sitting in front of the TV watching the Masters. I need an excursion or chore for each day or I'll become a mushball. Mentally and physically. The volunteering I'm doing at PRANCE is very rewarding and I'm really enjoying it. Some good physical labour thrown in for good measure too.

Tomorrow I'm off to a job fair in Kincardine. I have a need to find out "what's out there". I have a resume but it's probably dated in it's format and I could use some advise on how to jazz it up. What am I looking for? Well, I don't really know. I have learned that when I know it's a good fit for me then it's something to pursue. I could do lots of things but I'm not sure what I need to have in my back pocket to show a future employer that I'm the right fit. I don't know if I'm prepared to work yet, there's still things to tie up in Toronto. Maybe I take this time to upgrade in some direction. I have found several courses that have peaked my interest and they are offered on-line. I have never taken on-line education but now's the time.

So, really, in the back of my mind is the constant question, "what's next" and I have to have an answer for that question each day. I think that's a good thing and I'm working hard to keep the agenda full.


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