The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Monday, April 15, 2013

Finally the windows are open!

It's finally a day when I can open the doors and windows and let a real waft of fresh air come through the house.
The favoured budgie Snowy is enjoying a good conversation with the wild feathered friends and seems somewhat overwhelmed by all the noise. She tries in vain to answer some of the calls, I know that American Gold finches are her favourite friends and crows her enemy but for today everyone's calls are coming through.
Yes, it feels like spring.
Wow! Finally.

I really don't know how I did as much as I did when I was working. Okay, I know that at the moment there is a lot going on and still a lot to organize in my world but it's 4 pm already, I feel like I've been puttering away at all sorts of tasks all day long.
Got the income tax done,
signed up for an online course at Fleming College (the Georgian College one seemed to disappear off the course catalogue when I went back into the college's website-weird) anyway I am happily awaiting the start of my new online learning career. The email receipt actually welcomed me to being on the road to re-inventing myself, which is something that I think I'm going to enjoy.
Arranged to have the snow tires taken off the beloved Equinox and asked if the service guys will change the windshield wipers too. You know, when you own a vehicle that's way taller than you are it's beyond a real challenge to get the windshield wipers off without performing some weird yoga move on the hood to do it. So, I asked if the nice gentlemen at Hal Wright Chev Olds, who look after the beloved Equinox, would do it for me. Yup. Ha! challenge solved. No weird yoga moves for me.

Yesterday was a movie day. The Man and I hadn't seen Quartet and had heard so many great things about it. If you didn't see this movie on it's swing through the theatres (we saw it on a repeat showing at the Port Elgin Cinemas as a benefit production) it is well worth the rental. As I watched it I did (sorry guys) think of my musical friends that could have fit in at Beecham house just perfectly. I really enjoyed the movie and the cast was one in a million. I can just see they had fun doing the film. Then it was off to Owen Sound to see G.I. Joe in 3D. Yup, nothing like turning your brain on it's ear with the difference in genres there. Nothing beats a good blow up movie on a Sunday afternoon.

But what about The Masters? For those that know me know that I love sports of all kinds and have always loved the Masters golf tournament. It's practically tradition that Saturday and Sunday afternoon of the tournament I'm parked in front of the TV enjoying the scenery of Augusta National. This year The Man suggested PVRing the event so we could fit the movies in and I could catch the last round. We didn't even have the radio on in the car coming home from the movies lest I hear who won. So, yup, I was up until the wee hours watching Adam Scott, the first Australian ever, to win the Masters. I loved skipping the commercials and all the schmaltzy stuff to get to the meat of the game. Very cool. How far we've come from worrying if the VCR tape we put in would last if the event went over time.

So tonight, with The Man working away, I'm going to take a lovely walk over to my pal C's place for dinner with a bottle of wine and a relaxed feeling that I've done my To Do list and tomorrow's just another adventurous day!

Until next time...

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