The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It DOES rain in Arizona!

Who would have thunk it.
It does rain in the desert.
When it rains, boy does it rain.

This afternoon we had a couple of great storms. The kind that you pull up a chair for.
SoI did!
The dark cloud comes along then POW! Rain. Big, huge, ploppy drops.
Then it stops.
Then another cloud comes along and the same thing happens.
The rain comes in pockets of clouds then stops. No long drawn out showers.
Just RAIN.
Then nothing and the sun comes out.

We actually had a thunderstorm too! Two of them.
People celebrate.
So do the plants and trees.
Golfers do not.
Sirens going off in two different directions from the Village.
Ah, yes, golfer warnings so they don't get zapped.
Should have had the siren BEFORE the lightening was seen. Storms kind of sneak up on you around here. Guess you take your chances out there.

It's dark out.
All is quiet.
This is a very quiet part of the desert. Except when the coyotes are howling, that'll be later.
No lights.
No lights on the streets, no lights on the intersections (they have roundabouts here so there aren't any stop lights), even gas stations have "dimmable" lights. Everyone wants it this way.
Big protest over local town council trying to put street lights in West Sedona (business area). People freaking out over it. They want their dark.
Many stars to see. So cool.
Lightening to the south, no thunder.
Very, very quiet.
And it's only 7:45 pm!!!

Tonight is my last night in the lovely place I've called home in Oak Creek, Arizona. I highly recommend coming here. Adobe Village Graham Inn is simply the most comfortable, homey amazing place to stay. As I wandered around today I kind of had the place to my self and it was awesome. What a perfect way to wrap up my visit to Arizona. (No, I didn't get a discount for saying the above, I just really, really like it!)

So the beloved Equinox will be packed up again for the journey to the east.
Then to the north east.
I'll cross the Mississippi.
I've seen mountains, and prairies and lakes and rivers and oceans and rocks and dust and sand.
I'm glad I took pictures! Phew. They'll help me remember!
But how can I forget!
It's been fantastic.

What a pilgrimage!
Deer print in the red dust.

Abandoned miner's store in Jerome, Arizona. One of the leading Copper mines in the US until 1971.

The hot tub and view at Adobe Village Graham Inn, Oak Creek, Arizona

Bell Rock, a Vortex; a place of balance and harmony on earth. Mysticism is big here and this huge rock formation is like a Mecca for many. I just think it's pretty.

Cactus (a prickly pear cactus) grow pretty much anywhere they can get a hold. This one is below the Church of the Holy Cross. Guess it's blessed....

Towering Ponderosa pines on top of the Oak Creek Canyon. Notice no green underbrush that you would normally see. It's too dry for anything to grow.

Driving in Arizona is fun! I'm driving up a 5% grade into West Sedona (I know, I know, I'm not supposed to do this but hey, I was in the slow traffic lane...:-)

Just one of the many beautiful rose bushes at the Inn. I had to take a picture, remember this is OCTOBER! Oh yeah, they smelled amazing too.

This is how I'll remember Arizona.
Awesome, simply awesome.

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