The travels and travails of one finding her history, roots and some adventure!

Beginning in 2010 a whole lot of planning, thinking, worring and dreaming will start.
A Pilgrimage to where her father was born, lived and worked will be investigated.
Some items from a personal "bucket list" will be crossed off.
A journey of some thousands of kilometers will begin.
It will truly be an epic journey of a lifetime.
It is through family that I am blessed to have this opportunity.
It is through family that I will discover many new things.

And so it begins.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011 last

Two planes, three airports, nearly 5,000 miles and few hours of time change later I arrived home to have The Man waiting patiently with rose in hand and a nice big hug when I finally appeared from the arrivals section of Pearson Airport.

Tired but excited to show what my over stuffed suitcase held we headed to the Mother's to share stories and unpack souvenirs and gifts.

My fear of not having my luggage waiting for me was not to be fulfilled as it was one of the first on the carousel (advantage of being in business class) and I was relieved!
The flights were uneventful though the one from Prague to Frankfurt was a little bumpy as thunderstorms were approaching Frankfurt but we all travelled safely through it.

The Frankfurt airport is gigantic and there was a fair amount of walking and getting to my connecting flight was no problem and I even got to enjoy one of the business lounges for a while. Travelling business class means there are certain perks, I know I've paid for them with my ticket but it's nice to have access to anything you might need before flying away. Also the lounge seats are very comfy and the staff can answer any questions I might have. It's a great way to go! The Prague airport business lounge was nearly deserted when I was there but the crab salad sandwiches were awesome!

Security was no problem though I did get frisked at the Prague airport because I think I forgot to take the Czech coins out of my pocket. I'm not sure but I think that's what set off the metal detector. Oops! Oh well. Safely through I headed to the lounge to settle in. Vlasta had dropped me at the airport and she, along with a Lufthansa aide, helped me with my e-ticket. Again, business class has it's advantages as I "skipped" the long line by heading to the business class line (where there wasn't anyone!) and got my luggage checked. The suitcase was nearly 30 kilos. This is nearly 70 pounds! Yikes! No wonder it felt heavy! Thankfully the wheels held up. We had shrink wrapped the suitcase because I was worried it might burst! Off it went on the conveyor and I was just to wait until boarding.

After watching Megamind and The A-team movies, a lovely dinner (food's great in Business class) I settled down for a nap. It was 10 pm my time and I knew the next few hours would be tiring and I was tired after all the lead up for the ride home. Wrapped in my blanket, lights low, music on my headphones I drifted off for a couple of hours. Oh yeah, did I mention that in Business class the seats fold down to beds? Right ON!

So I finally hit the wall 23 hours after I had gotten up that "day" and fell asleep for a good long rest. I pushed through the fatigue earlier to go to bed at a "normal" Toronto time so I might be able to adjust more quickly. I have to go to work on Monday!

What a wonderful trip with wonderful memories and I will be thinking about these past few weeks for a while yet!

On to the next journey!

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